Aphasia language support groups are in session again starting January 24th- May 2nd, 2025. We meet weekly on Fridays! New group members wishing to begin in Storrs or Farmington, please contact us!
Student-run aphasia groups take place for ninety minutes per week on Fridays for the duration of every semester. Groups are capped at ten participants and are designed as a safe place to practice communication, to ask questions, and to receive and provide feedback to others with aphasia. Discussions tend to include topical current world and local events. Language games are designed to increase word finding and to provide additional practice. Participants vary in severity. We accommodate all ability levels. This past semester, several group members contributed to the creation of our Aphasia Group Newsletter.
This group is also an educational one for our students so we will ask you to provide us with a medical history, if possible, and may ask you to take part in some language testing if you are interested.
We encourage you to try aphasia group. The only way to improve your language is to use it! To sign up or if you would like to try a session, please call or email Dr. Jennifer Mozeiko, coordinator.
Bonus: Friends and Family of Individuals with family are invited to meet separately. Learn how others are coping with this major life change. Theirs is not the only life that has changed dramatically! See UConn Today article for more information.
Jennifer Mozeiko, PhD, CCC-SLP
Associate Professor and
Aphasia Group Coordinator
*New members may begin at any time.
*ALL groups take place on Fridays throughout the semester.
Storrs Location– Human Development Building, 6 Alethia Drive, Storrs, CT, 2nd floor
- 11:oo-12:30- Language Support Groups– supported communication and cognition/language activities
- 1:00-2:30-Two Aphasia Book Clubs– for anyone who would like to try to read or listen to audio books
- 11:00-12:30- Group for Caregivers and Family Members- discussions have included communication partner strategies; having a sense of humor; finding time for yourself; how to modify travel plans. Selected excerpts here.
- Aphasia Group Choir– based on interest.
Farmington Location— UConn Health Center, Outpatient Pavilion 3, 135 Dowling Way, Farmington, CT 06030
- 1:00-2:30 PM- Mixed Language Support Group – supported communication and cognition/language activities.
- Supervised by Karen Collins, SLP , (860) 679-3233
- Outpatient Pavilion 3 East Large Conference Room
Online Only Group– In response to popular demand, we will continue to offer one book club online to those who cannot attend in person. These will be capped at 10 participants and preference is given to CT residents who cannot travel
- 1-2:30 PM-Book Club- see details here. Note that while the book is often our vehicle for discussion, that we will also discuss current events, communication strategies, and other relevant topics.
- WebEX- is the platform we use. Here are instructions on how to use it.
- Click here to meet us online.
*No meetings during student breaks: Thanksgiving week and Spring Break week.
Please email Dr. Mozeiko or fill out this form to see if we can accommodate you in one of our language support groups. We will also contact you when treatment studies become available.