Aphasia Rehab Lab Presents at Frontiers

Samantha Coulombe, RA and Lab Manager for the lab, presented at the Fall Frontiers Research Poster Exhibition on October 26, 2016. This presentation was the final piece of the SHARE grant that Samantha had received last year. The poster “Effect of Intensive Reading Treatments compared to Intensive Language Action Therapy in Persons with Chronic Mild Aphasia” presented some preliminary data and a summary of the study that was completed over the summer.img_0546

Aphasia Group Choir welcomes new members

The UConn aphasia group choir performed for the fist time this summer.  It was great for language elicitation and fun for all of us!  Grad students interested in aphasia are welcome to join us as we prepare for a holiday performance.  Rehearsals start at 5:00 PM on alternate Fridays starting today, Sept. 16..  Feel free to drop by to rehearse when you can.  Mark your calendars for our performance on December 9th at 3:30 PM at St. Mark’s Church here on campus.

See a sample of our small summer performance here  (1 min) or here (2 min).

Summer Aphasia Choir! Enroll now!

This summer we are starting our first ever aphasia group choir for people with aphasia and their friends and family members! Graduate students with a cappella experience will teach the melodies and all of us will sing together. We will have three rehearsals and one final performance. CDs will be provided so you can practice at home and in your car! JOIN US on the 2nd Saturday of each month from 10:00-11:00 am. (May 14, June 11, July 9- at the UConn Speech and Hearing Clinic.) Performance August 13th– place to be determined.