Author: Mozeiko, Jennifer

Join us for a talk from Dr. Charles Ellis

All are invited to attend our first SLHS colloquium of the 2021-22 academic year. Our first speaker is  Dr. Charles Ellis, PhD CCC-SLP.  Dr. Ellis is an ASHA Fellow and Professor at the University of Florida. Though his population of interest is aphasia, the impact of social determinants of health are relevant to all of the populations that we as SLPs and Audiologists serve!

If you missed it, he was awesome! Check out the recording, below.

Lessons Learned from Aphasia Telepractice: The Impact of Social Determinants of Health and Other Factors

Telepractice approaches have emerged as a foundational approach for offering SLP/A after the onset of COVID-19. However, even when the client and provider are able to align from a technological standpoint, other difficult to measure factors can influence the success or failure of telepractice approaches in similar ways to face-to-face approaches. In this presentation, the presenter will provide an overview of the initiation of a telepractice aphasia research program and the discuss the impact of social determinants of health on the success of the approach and clinical outcomes achieved.


Congrats Louisa Suting on publishing in Perspectives In Speech and Language

Analysis of Real-World Language Use in a Person With Wernicke’s Aphasia

Louisa has published the first of several studies where we analyze the communication environment in the homes of people with aphasia and those without. In this first study, we looked at changes in the natural language occurring at home before and after a massed practice type treatment with an individual with Wernicke’s aphasia.