Aphasia Book Club

Spring Semester 2025’s book is The Maid by Nita Prose

 Fridays, 1-2:30 PM, January 24- May 2, 2025




These book clubs are designed for people living with aphasia. One of the things people miss most after a stroke is reading.

The aim of the club is get you reading again and to then discuss readings (and also random life events!)  in a friendly and supportive environment.

  • Important Note: this is not a literary book club and we will not dissect and analyze the author’s meaning but rather focus on plot and the relationship of these ideas and themes to our own lives. Generation of discussion among group members is the primary goal!

If you are looking to work on improving and practicing language only (and not your reading), please take a look at our Aphasia Language Support Program.


Anyone with aphasia is welcome to attend. However, it is recommended that you be able to either read at the paragraph level OR that you can listen to an audio book and retain most of the information presented. Some people like to attend the first few sessions with their partner or family member. We encourage independent participation after that!


We will provide you with a copy of the current book that is being read. You may also choose to purchase a copy of the audio book if you would find that helpful.

The chosen book is broken down into chapters to read each week. We also have:

  • Chapter summaries – can be at paragraph or phrase level, depending on your reading ability
  • Character summaries – to help keep track of the characters
  • Questions about the reading – this helps to ensure that you have understood the text. Multiple choice options are offered as well as reflection questions that challenge readers to articulate experiences from their own lives that relate to those in the book.

The goal is to ensure that everyone has their turn to speak and is able to get their message across. Some people use their iPads, some use pen and paper – anything is accepted.


Fridays at 1:00pm-2:30 pm. We will run two in-person groups and one online group, restarting 9/6/24

In-person groups take place in the Human Development Building (HDB) rm. 143 on the Storrs Campus.

Online book clubs will take place at the same time via this link.



These are the books we have read so far. All materials we have developed to help guide reading or stimulate language are attached and you are welcome to use them. Keep reading over the summer!!!

Hatchet Flowers For Algernon Number the Stars
Theodore Boone: Kid Lawyer Theodore Boone: The Abduction Life as We Knew It
The Five Wishes of Mr. Murray McBride The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind The 100 Year Old Man Who Climbed out the Window and Disappeared
Hunger Games Crashing Through A Walk in the Woods
A Dog’s Life Five People You Meet In Heaven It’s Trevor Noah: Born A Crime
The Midnight Library Theodore Boone: The Accused The Alchemist
Boys In The Boat The Road by, Cormac McCarthy The Maid, Nita Prose



Contact Jennifer Mozeiko, Lab Director

Email: jennifer.mozeiko@uconn.edu

Phone: 860-420-9828